Big Horn Brewing Company

Big Horn Brewing Company coaster

“Affordable Food and Fun for Fans and their Families”

709 Park Blvd.
Boise, ID 83712

(This location now called RAM Restaurant & Brewery)
Founded: The first Big Horn Brewing Company opened in 1995.  Big Horn is part of the Ram Family of Restaurants, which was launched in 1971.  Ram currently operates 17 locations across the U.S.

When we stopped in for a pint: September 2000
Microbrewery#: 12

Big Horn Brewing Company exterior, Boise, ID

Big Horn Brewing Company, Boise, ID

The Beer hunt:  Once again, we found ourselves at a chain brewery.  There’s just no way to figure these things out from a phone book listing.  A step up from BJ’s, Big Horn rolls out a family-friendly, sports-oriented restaurant with over-sized puffy-booth seating and enough  TVs to ensure that you won’t have to pay any attention to who you’re with while you’re there.

What a let-down.  We were hoping to find a locally-owned, unique craft brewery.  What it felt like we got was a corporate Chili’s look-alike that decided to brew beer on the side as a gimmick to go along with their greasy burgers and fried everything else.*

That being said, we sucked up their beer and their food and shelled out the cash for a freakishly tall and heavy pint glass.  As a big horn sheep would say, “Baaa!”

What was on tap in 2000:

Find out what’s currently on tap!

*This is a bit mean.  According to their website, The Ram is a private, independent, family-owned and operated restaurant business that decided to brew their our own beers in order to offer their customers “superior quality, nationally recognized, hand-crafted beers at value prices.”

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